25th Special Edition

25th Special Edition

Latest book 19 & Meet Russell Lee

True Singapore Ghost Stories by Russell Lee


Have you ever met an angel? Can angels fly and do they have wings?
Can we talk to angels? Do we all have guardian angels?
Can angels fight?

RUSSELL LEE answers these and many other questions about angels in Book 19.

In another investigation, RUSSELL LEE finds out if we all have a “sixth sense”.
Maia Lee, singer and FHM babe, is back with a spooky tale.

Must-read stories include: KONG KONG BATMAN, A DEAL IS A DEAL, A BUNDLE OF JOY, THE FISH. And win CASH and other prizes in the RUSSELL LEE contest!

Details in book.

True Singapore Ghost Stories Book 19 is ready!

Meet Russell Lee Signing Session POPULAR & HARRIS Bookstores

4 July to 30 Aug 09

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